Monday, August 16, 2010

Tuardal Idli (Thuvaramparuppu idli/Kandhi idli)


Boiled Rice : 1 Cup
Tuaram Paruppu : 1/2 Cu
Green Chillies : 3 or 4
Asafoetida : a pinch
Grated Cocount: 1 1/2 Tbl Spn
Salt As Required
Mustad 1/4 Tsp
Cooking Soda : 1 pinch
Oil : 1 Tbl Spn


Soak Boiled rice and tuar dal together for 3 hours. Then add green chillies, asafoetida and grated coconut. Grind it coarsely. Keep the dough for full one day. Now season it with mustard. Add cooking soda, salt and oil. Mix well. Pour the dough into cooker plate. Steam it in medium and then in low flame for 25 to 30 minutes. Cut it into pieces. Service it with coconut chutney.You can add lot of coriander in that chutney.

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